
Thoughts: Why not ?

Have you ever been asked to join something (an exciting opportunity, a holiday, etc) and found yourself saying no, not because you didn’t have the resources, but mostly because you preferred being comfortable and sticking to whatever plan you had in mind?

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Oh Vienna

Welcome to Vienna – the city where waiters and waitresses are to rude to you because ‚it’s part of the service‘ and the keyrings in the souvenir shops cost more than 7€ (I’ve started collecting key rings of every city I’ve been to, but this time a fridge magnet had to do). Thankfully, Vienna has more than enough beautiful architecture to make up for its flaws.

Willkommen in Wien – hier sind die Kellner_innen unfreundlich, weil es ‚teil des Service‘ ist und die Schlüsselanhänger in den Souvenirläden kosten meistens um die 7 € (Ich sammle mittlerweile Schlüsselanhänger aus den Städten, die ich besucht habe, aber dieses Mal musste ich mich mit einem Kühlschrankmagneten zufrieden geben). Zum Glück hat Wien sehr viele schöne Bauten zu bieten, also gleich sich das ganze aus.

Schloss Schönbrunn

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Eurovision Megapost

Hello, I know I haven’t been posting a lot, but I promise it’s all for a reason. After visiting my family and friends in the UK, I flew to Vienna to reunite with some friends. Writing about the Eurovision on this blog was pretty much inevitable, as I have been watching it every year since… oh who cares!

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